Friday, May 8, 2009


As time passes by changes occur. There have been many changes here in America. The country went from being controlled by Great Britain to becoming an independent country forced to rule on its own. Changes also happened to the world as time went on. The atmosphere has always been there and so has the world. As a result of human interaction, the world is in a state of emergency. The world has changed, but not for the better but for the worse. In the world there are millions of environments. These environments have animals or people or both. Animals interact with each other, and people can be interconnected with their environment. These environments are what make up the world but without the improvement of how humans act there is no chance that these environments can manage to stay the same. This blog shows how animals act in their environment, how people can be interconnected to their environment, and that change is needed to keep the world the same.

The blog has many ideas about humans, animals and why it is important to fix the environment. Cheetahs and gazelles both live in the same place. They are the two fastest land animals, respectively, in the world. The cheetah hunts the gazelle, but is not always successful. If the environment were to change, what would happen to this relationship? No one knows the answer, and this is part of the reason why the environment needs protected. Also, a little bit of a different perspective is a person who is interconnected with a place. For example, Gregory Cox, an Iraq War Veteran is interconnected with his hometown of Carmichaels. His personality is the same as the as the personality of Carmichaels. Both situations may not last because of the change in the environment. The photo essay shows that there must be reuse, recycling, and restoring in order for the world to maintain its shape and form. This blog shows how all these ideas are connected and how there must be change.

The world has its problems, but with some help by humans, the world is not in danger. However, if humans do not act now, then it may be too late to save the planet that they inhabit and the things that make their world so beautiful. The cheetah and the gazelle may be lost, people may no longer be connected to their environment, and worst of all, the world could never be the same. So read on and see what is going on in the world.

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